Lesson 1: Introduction


Why is Education Important?

“Your mind is precious! It is sacred. Therefore, the education of one’s mind is also sacred. Indeed, education is a religious responsibility. …Our Creator expects His children everywhere to gain an education as a personal endeavor. … When you leave this frail existence, your material possessions will remain here, but the Lord has declared that the knowledge you acquire here will rise with you in the resurrection. … In light of this celestial perspective, if you impulsively drop out or otherwise cut short your education, you would not only disregard a divine decree but also abbreviate your own eternal potential.”

President Russell M. Nelson
Family members in Taiwan use their computers to do family history.

What is my role as an education mentor?

You will be assigned to work with ward leaders (elders quorum presidents, Relief Society presidents, young women presidents, bishops, and others) in one or more ward or branch to identify individuals who would benefit from education mentoring. You then work directly with individuals who are interested to help them explore education and goals.

Your role is to help individuals be informed about their options so they can make decisions about the best path for them. While you can give suggestions, remember the individual is in the driver’s seat and is the expert on their own life. Communicate confidence in their ability to receive divine guidance and that the Lord will help them accomplish all that they are guided to do (1 Nephi 3:7). If a member decides to move forward with an educational goal, help them develop a plan to achieve those goals.

The Area Presidency has asked that you make a specific effort to work with the following populations:

  • Latino or other immigrant populations
  • High school seniors and young single adults without higher education plans (especially those who are struggling spiritually, financially, educationally, etc.)
  • Adults who previously dropped out of higher education (e.g. mothers without a college degree)
  • Those needing to gain new job skills largely acquired through education

Remember that our efforts are to help those who wish to improve their employment or current life situation. “We can view our service not as us reaching downward to lift others up to our level but as us reaching outward to embrace a fellow child of God” (see “Following the Savior’s Example of Empathy and Love,” Liahona, August 2022).