My Calling as a Stake Education Specialist and Education Mentor

Calling of the Fishermen

SECTION 1: Getting Started

Welcome to your new calling as a stake education specialist or education mentor, and thank you for your willingness to serve. President Russell M. Nelson has counseled: “Getting an education is not just a privilege; it is a religious responsibility. The glory of God is intelligence” (“What Will You Choose?” [Brigham Young University–Hawaii devotional, Sept. 6, 2013],

SECTION 2: What Do I Focus On?

Stake Education Specialist

Support Stake Education Mentors.

You strengthen the stake's educational efforts by doing the following: 

  • Lead and organize your stake education mentors and make the necessary assignments to move the work forward.
  • Meet with stake education mentors often and connect them with needed resources.
  • Consult with the stake presidency, seek out direction as needed, and report progress. 
  • Interface with BYU-Pathway for training and resources.
  • Make connections with ward leadership to better understand stake needs.

Stake Education Mentor

Help Members Find Educational Opportunities

Many members see higher education, especially a Church education, as unachievable. You give members in your assigned unit(s) the confidence to pursue further education and help them take the next step(s) by doing the following:

  • Coordinate with ward leaders to identify the right people to contact.
  • Spend time each week mentoring prospective students, learning their goals, and exploring specific educational institutions.
  • Provide information to potential students on available educational opportunities, including local state schools, technical colleges, and CES schools and programs (Ensign College, EnglishConnect, BYU-Pathway Worldwide, and BYU).
  • Help members create a personalized education plan.
  • Help members enroll, obtain scholarships, and receive financial aid; multiple interactions may be required to get someone enrolled in additional education.
  • Follow up regularly with your mentees to encourage progress toward their goals.

Understand Your Role through Training and Resources

Your stake education specialist will be in contact with you to offer support and answer any questions. You will also be invited to attend monthly virtual trainings hosted by a BYU-Pathway representative. In the meantime, you should become familiar with the training material on the Utah area website to begin your training. Be sure to bookmark this address in your browser because it will have the latest information you need, including training lessons to complete and resources to help you in your calling.

SECTION 3: Whom Do I Work With?

Local Church Leaders

Build strong relationships with the leaders in your assigned ward or branch to support them in their ministering efforts. You will coordinate with local leaders regarding those who will most benefit from additional education.

Prospective Students: Church Members and Friends of Other Faiths

Ward and branch leaders will help you get in touch with prospective mentees. In addition to individual visits, you may be asked to present during fifth Sunday lessons, devotionals, firesides, or webinars. You can seek assistance in these efforts from your local service missionaries assigned to BYU-Pathway.